Harald Schwalbe

Harald Schwalbe is Full Professor for Organic Chemistry at the Goethe-University in Frankfurt. His research interest is in NMR-spectroscopic studies of proteins, RNA and DNA and their complexes.
He has studied Chemistry in Frankfurt, graduated in 1993 under the guidance of Prof. C. Griesinger, conducted his postdoctoral studies with Prof. C.M. Dobson, FRS, at Oxford university to study unfolded states of proteins by NMR.
After work on a habilitation, he moved to MIT as Assistant, then Associated Professor of Biological Chemistry.
He founded the Center for Biomacromolecular Magnetic Resonance (BMRZ), where 8 groups investigate macromolecular complexes with liquid-state and solid-state NMR spectroscopy as well as EPR spectroscopy. He is speaker of the collaborative research center: Molecular Principles of RNA-based regulation.
He has authored more than 300 publications, review articles and book chapters, his group has contributed more than 30 protein and RNA structures. In industrial collaborations, the group has forwarded NMR-spectroscopy based drug discovery, in particular on kinases and extracellular receptors.